Tuesday, June 28, 2011


It's the first sunny morning in forever, and I'm glad for it, but also tetchy.  S and I are slowly chipping away on the distance course; that slowness makes us both edgy, and we're worst when we have to work together, as we did first thing this AM.  I think he resents having to do the course at all, though he doesn't blame anyone since he did agree to it, and we both are frustrated with how slow it is and with having to try and coordinate our efforts, even though i suspect it will be a better, stronger course for the combined work.  Basically it sucks and we'd rather be working on other things, but we can't, it needs to get done.  I'm trying to think whether we'd enjoy it under other circumstances... but I suppose there's a reason I wanted out of multimedia design.  I kinda forgot that just because I can doesn't mean I want to.  Blech.  Only now we are committed

Yawn.  This is boring.  But I don't really want to get down to the next lecture - I'm off to the hospital soon and I'll have al afternoon to work on this.  My mind wants to pick on all the other projects I'm not doing - the SSHRC re-write, several book reviews, articles in various states of revision, my renewal application.  And then there's baby stuff... mostly needing to get a mattress, but also setting up a registry, maybe an amazon list.  None of it is really that urgent, though.  tinker tinker.  Soon I'll have a baby to take up all my time and mental and physical energy, and then as soon I'll start finding time on my hands to pick away at all those other projects if I have the focus for them.  I don't know.  I don't feel clear cut about anything theser days.  Except maybe that it's sunny and birds are singing and croaking and the breeze smells sweet and I really don't want to be grumpy all day. 

I should get new glasses.  And see a dentist.  And arrange for massages.  And take the care in.

My hips hurt like a hobbled horse.  I just can't bring myself to care this AM.

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